This is a request to shorten the timer for which crops will die and automatically be removed from soils. In the current situation after crops are able to be harvested a timer start giving players time to remove planted crop. This timer is to long which leads to several problems.
  • Land owners see a decreased surplus as soils have low retention rate.
  • Players will need to skip multiple lands while soils are left used.
  • Extra work for land owners to remove and replace soils to make them available again.
  • Decrease the timer for crops to die giving users time to harvest with some extra time to switch lands / get energy / server outage or server updates. (current situation is hours for crops to die).
  • Dead crops should automatically be remove after ready to harvest timer expired making soils available again to use. Land owners Builders now have to manually sheer dead crops.
  • Better surplus for land owners better incentive to buy / rent land.
  • Higher retention rate for players to use soil.
  • Players will need to be more active and thoughtful of their daily tasks.
  • Things to think about to stop timer during scheduled and unscheduled downtime preventing players to find dead crops due to server maintenance or downtime.
  • If a stop timer during server maintenance or downtime can be implemented remove the return seeds function to stimulate active soils usage. Lazy players should not be rewarded. :-)
  • Add notification upon entering land "You have unharvested crops / Your crops are about to die" just as you get a notification of Slugs / Bee's and Chickens getting old.