Increase max energy capacity by LVL
Max energy could growh 5 every time you upgrade 1 skill, granting 5 energy with it. So at lvl 200 we'll get extra 1k capacity, that would be very nice, and will give a very nice feeling that leveling up does matter! The detalis are to consider, 5 is just an option, so as granting energy, but it would be very nice to get aditional inccentive when leveling up a skill. Could also work when reaching round numbers on particular skill or reaching certain lvl. Plz consider, and send feed back :D Thanks for reading.
(Total level is the sum of all individual skills)
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Pixel X Upgrades
Allow me to Pay pixels to permanently increase my Energy Max Cap
By the way, this should also be increased after reaching X LVL, and maybe little increase every LVL
Loosing energy do to max cap reached feels very frustrating, and forces you to play even when you don't want to in order to keep up. In my perspective this leads into 2 diferent scenarios (Both bad), in one scenario the player will continue to play while accumulating discomfort, he will take it maybe for a long time, but there will be a limit, sooner or later.
Second scenario, player will decide not to keep up and will feel frustrated by the fact that other players have much more advantage just by being able to "Log in and use energy" that really shouldn't be the Meta gaming... being available all the time, why would you say people is not supposed to grind pixels 24/7 but then you made the Sauna rocks every 6 hours, people is waking up in the middle of the night to maximize the gains, or spending energy while in work.
I'm paying my VIP for a long time, and I feel the gap from other playres to is increesing so much because i have a job and I actually sleep, so I can only use the sauna rocks 1 or 2 times a day. Why am I being punished, I really don't want to feel everyone else is moving on exept for me, I'm one of those rare cases of players who actually enojys the game, I love to decorate my spek and collect art, do quest and, max my skills. So again WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED?

Merged in a post:
Energy Cap increase from 1k to 1.5k, etc

Since you guys don't want people to play too much but increases the energy regen over time. How about increase the cap? This is very good for people who can be busy in real life but a dedicated grinder in game when they got the time. Right now, it only takes like 8hrs to regen from 0 energy to 1k, so the player gets obligated to spend those free energies asap for them to avoid lost from wasted time that should generate energy. I don't mind if it costs us $Pixels to get this, in fact, it's an additional utility to burn the token